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Welcome to the L'Oiseau Vert website!
Creator of Solarizations (alcohol-free floral elixirs) as well as Infotherapy (Informational therapy).

Who are we ?

Our society

L'OISEAU VERT is a human-sized company in the Toulouse region specializing in the development of "Solarisations" of wild flowers from preserved environments on Reunion Island, Auvergne, the Montagne Noire, the Pyrenees, etc.…

Since 2004, l'Oiseau Vert has been developing its expertise in the field of Infotherapy (informational therapy). A human-sized company in the Toulouse region, it creates and develops its products from solarizations of wild flowers from the preserved environments of Reunion Island, the Pyrenees, the Montagne Noire, South America, etc.

Created by Roger de Nadaï, researcher and bioenergetician, Green Bird Solarizations are unique and effective in resolving physical, emotional and energetic disorders. Their speed of action on cellular memories allows you to release emotional knots and feel in harmony with yourself.

Our team

Roger de Nadai

Creator of The Green Bird
Researcher, Bio-energetician




Naturopath, Energetician

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