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Welcome to the L'Oiseau Vert website!
Creator of Solarizations (alcohol-free floral elixirs) as well as Infotherapy (Informational therapy).

The Green Bird

Improvement day


Friday April 11, 2025 09:00

L'OISEAU VERT - 6 rue de l'escoulier - 31450 Pompertuzat

110€ per day

Trainee having completed training in Infotherapy through Solarizations


Welcome to this day dedicated to therapists who have completed initial training. This event has been designed to deepen your skills and provide you with a solid foundation to effectively integrate new knowledge into your daily practice. It is indeed essential that therapists are able to assimilate this knowledge and apply it in a way that is adapted to each client.

Discussed subjects

  • my body is my brain
  • Sensory and instinctual structures
  • Emotions
  • Fascia
  • Vagus nerves
  • Emotional blocks
  • 5 last Solarizations

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