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Welcome to the L'Oiseau Vert website!
Creator of Solarizations (original informed products) as well as Infotherapy (Informational therapy).
L'Oiseau Vert will be closed from Monday 12 to Monday 26 August 2024 for annual holidays.
Reopening of offices on Tuesday August 27, 2024.
Orders will be processed upon our return. thank you for your understanding
The whole team wishes you a great summer!

Conferences, Training and Workshops

L'Oiseau Vert organizes and runs a training concept in Infotherapy with Roger DE NADAI, creator, advisor and trainer in Solarizations (alcohol-free floral elixirs).

It is crucial that therapists have a solid structure to integrate new knowledge and apply it to consultants.

True therapy involves patient awareness and this becomes all the more essential with an increase in collective awareness.

Structured training allows us to understand the human being in its physical, emotional and spiritual wholeness, in particular by exploring subtle energies and using Infotherapy to delicately re-inform the body. The concept of Solarizations will also be discussed to understand their influence on our memories.

Our training courses are not eligible for the CPF or an OPCO

The Green Bird

Type of training :

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