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Welcome to the L'Oiseau Vert website!
Creator of Solarizations (original informed products) as well as Infotherapy (Informational therapy).


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Body awareness, elimination of tensions:

I am flexible and softer with me I discover the simple joys of existence.
I open up to my receptivity and my sensitivity.

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Solarization No. 22

Set me free
  • From the feeling of being imprisoned in old structures (family, professional, etc.).
  • Too much attention to the material and rational side of life.
  • Of my rigidity and my anxieties which prevent the energy from circulating in the muscles.
Allow me
  • To let go of wanting to please and be recognized and feel up to my aspirations.
  • I open up to my receptivity and my sensitivity.
  • I am flexible and softer with myself.

Informations complémentaires

Poids 100 g


Bottle of 30 ml in drops to be taken on the tongue according to the prescription of your therapist or the dosage indicated on the bottle.
There are approximately 500 drops in a bottle.

Store in a cool, dry place.
Made in France.

Ingredients: Water, flavoring substance (0.021), Flowers of Valeriana officinalis and Centaurium erythraea.

Usage tips

10 drops morning, noon and evening on the tongue 15 minutes before meals.

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