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Creator of Solarizations (original informed products) as well as Infotherapy (Informational therapy).


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I communicate with the subtle world

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Solarization No. 77

I communicate with the subtle world


  • Anchoring and connecting energy centers
  • Correction of apprehension and hypersensitivity
  • Promotes the gain of "height"
  • Increased acuity

Informations complémentaires

Poids 100 g


Bottle of 30 ml in drops to be taken on the tongue according to the prescription of your therapist or the dosage indicated on the bottle.
There are approximately 500 drops in a bottle.

Store in a cool, dry place.
Made in France.

Ingredients: Water, substance (0.0112): Alliance of minerals, (Diaspore and Phosphosiderite) and flowers “Impatiens balsamina” and “Ipomoea spp”

Usage tips

5 drops in the morning and 5 drops in the evening.

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